Image to Canvas

Your Photo Image Printed on Canvas

Your favorite photos can be made into an image to canvas print.  Photos can be scanned or you can send us your digital files.

All image to canvas prints are made with the highest museum quality materials available.  You will receive your canvas professionally finished and ready to hang on your wall.

You can select a gallery wrap finish in white or in a color.  Gallery wraps can be made using a “Regular” stretcher bar (.75″) thick, a 1 – 1/2″ stretcher bar, or a 2″ stretcher bar.

Photo Digital Image to Canvas

Your Digital Image to Canvas



Your image to canvas finished as a museum wrap has the image wrapping on to the side of the canvas edge.  We can finish your print on canvas as a “regular” image wrap, which lets the image continue on to the edge.  You will loose some of your original image as it will wrap on to the edges and will only be visible from the sides.  As an alternative we can customize the edge to be “reflected”, therefore your full image will be visible.  The “reflected” edge is a mirroring of the last 2″ of your image on to the sides.

The museum wrap print on canvas is available in all three thicknesses, the “Regular” stretcher bar (.75″) thick, a 1 – 1/2″ stretcher bar, or a 2″ stretcher bar.

Create your canvas

Click here to see sample options and finishes